May 16, 2005 10:58
Well Ive been in bed for the most part since last Wed. I woke up feelin so horrible that there was no way I was even going to attempt to go to work. My sinus cavities are causing so much presure that they are triggering headaches, which trigger my migraines a lot of the time, and they put so much pressure on my eyes that it suck to do just about anything. And after drugging myself up (legally) to go to my sis' graduation and to see my relatives (who now are all gone) I feel like a pile of crap. I managed to get up for most things, but as soon as it was over I was back in mah bed. I even somehow got to strength to play softball for an hour (adult leauge- we lost 10-9) and then coach my youth group softball for another hour and a half, before coming home and crashing yet again. I have a feeling Ive been trying to do too much while sick and that's why I havent felt any better yet. *sigh*
On a good note, my sister and I have been researching a lot of prereq classes to take for us both to get MBA's. We need a lot bc we both have our bachelors degreess in engineering and well you just dont have to take accounting classes or priciples of management of the other stuff that they make you take. It sucks though that it will take practically a whole year just to get those classes out of the way. We are going to try to start taking them this summer, but we would like to talk to the department to make sure that what we have decided is correct. It will be interesting, Ive played sports with my sister, Ive gone all over the US with her, and she's my bestest friend ever, but we have never ever been in a class together. I wonder how it will be....