bmw tune up san diegoEven with BMW's advanced computer controled engines you can still replace normal
bmw maintenance parts and see improved bmw engine performance. Here are common
bmw tune up parts you can replace usually with some basic bmw tools.
Ignition Parts
Spark Plugs - All BMW spark plugs should be replaced and checked every 30,000 miles for best performance.
Spark Plug Wire Set - Checked or replaced every 50,000 to 100,000 miles.
Distributor Cap & Rotor - These should be replaced and checked when the spark plugs are changed.
Oxygen Sensor - The O2 (oxygen) sensor should be replaced at 60,000 mile intervals. A defective oxygen sensor drastically changes engine performance, fuel mileage and can damage your catalytic converter.
BMW Filters
Oil Filter - Changing your oil and oil filter is the most important maintenance procedure. Oil filters are easy to replace and help prevent unnecessary engine wear. You should change your oil and filter every 3000 miles.
Air Filter - Air filters should be replaced every 20,000 miles but more often if you drive in dusty areas. Take your air filter out and look at it, if its dirty replace it.
PCV Valve - The PCV breather filter should be replaced every year or every 30,000 miles.
Fuel Filter - the fuel filter should be replaced regularly, if not the fuel flow to the engine will become restricted, resulting in stalling, loss of power and hard starting. BMW experts recommend this filter be changed every 30,000 mi.
Transmission Filter - BMW transmission filters should be replaced every 15,000 miles to extend the life of your automatic transmission.
Radiator Hoses and Belts
Radiator Hose - is often not checked very often. They should be checked every 6 months or so.
Belts - A/C, power steering, fan, water pump and alternator belts should be checked and or replaced every 15,000 miles.
Fuel Injectors
Fuel Injectors - BMW fuel injectors should be replaced every 100,000 miles. They have mechanical components that wear out and cannot be cleaned.
bmw maintenance san diego