I can't stop. T__T

Apr 03, 2007 23:28

Catching up with Naruto is exhausting.

Hidan has officially taken over my brain.

Next thing you know I'm going to be converting to Jasshin myself. BECAUSE HE IS TEH SEX AND I WANT TO SHOWER THE WORLD WITH BLOOD WITH HIM.

*ends fashionable unconformist mode*

He's badass, good looking, and religious to boot (nevermind that it's a religion based on blood and death and violence and gore and human sacrifice and all those icky barbaric things pretty boys like Hidan aren't supposed to do -- but does anyway.)


And then along comes Shikamaru.

*is ignoring Orochimaru's anticlimactic demise. ignoring it. didn't happen. Naruto is still going strong. lalalala~ I can't hear you....*

Fangirling leads to fanarting(fan-doodling), because spontaneous ficcing escapes me. =]

Fandom: Naruto
Theme: Was kinda/perhaps/maybe not going for a pin-up model look. (Read: It sorta/kinda/not really turned out that way.)
Character(s): Hidan
Notes: Rough pencil sketch, scythe added in at the last moment, and is currently contemplating coloring it. Cleaned in PS-CS2. (Which reminds me: CS3 IS IN EXISTENCE. *foams at mouth*) He's sitting on a branch, or a wall, which due to laziness and a total inability to draw backgrounds, was left out.
Warnings: Hidan's manly chest, way too many extraneous marks.


Besides that, I. Am. Ecstatic.

Senbonzakura is back (and consuming my spring break). I have a solid outline, two and a half chapters, and so many plot bunnies to tack on. To think it was originally a one-shot. (Now to edit it obsessively.)

naruto, hidan, art

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