Soldier Soldier

Aug 26, 2007 22:54

Back in the day, BFBS (Thats British Forces Broadcasting Service to the uneducated) with its then lone channel began airing a TV series called Soldier Soldier. It chronicaled the trials and tribulations of the Kings Own Fusiliers, an imaginary company of soldiers in the British Army, dreamt up for the TV show.

And to be honest, it was quite a fantastic show. My family and I could quite readily draw many parallels between our experiences as a forces family and that of the fictional characters on screen, both the soldiers and their families. Their ups, their downs and their in betweens. Especially when the character moved to Germany and were based in Barrack we knew.
The two main characters Cpl Paddy Garvey and Fusilier Dave Tucker were a right pair of mischief makers but honest to the bone. Dad often told me how every squadron had a Tucker and Garvey type character, always scheming something.

It is a series I will remember for the rest of my days and one which I have recently discovered is available on DVD. Guess what I'm buying on payday!?!

Dad and I, infact the whole family love the intro music and finaly, someone has uploaded a copy to Youtube!

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