do we travel here and live in fear?

May 22, 2005 15:09

well my oh my I haven’t up dated my live journal in a long while
here's what’s been going on:
*I have one week of classes left, a week of finals(but I only have to take two hopefully) then I am done, completely done with high its all a little sudden.
*I have been attending the Unitarian church and have really found a lot of faith, they hold all these vales(not beliefs really) that speck to me in a way no religion ever has, maybe its just the time in my life or maybe this is the real deal but their services just fill me up with such hope and enlightenment, clarity even.
*my senior art show was Friday and even though it was small I feel so much more complete in my art because its in sort of a gallery and it makes it seem more real, more serious(thank you to all my pals: Alex, Leeann, Jessica, sari , and molly for coming, it meant a lot to me.)
*the project(the flex programs literary book, by the students for the students) is almost done, if any of you would be willing to give me 8 dollars for it I will gladly give you a copy, and you all should buy one because they are sweet and I have to sell 10 for a good grade and have to pay out of pocket for those I don’t sell( that money comes from my new bike fund which doesn’t need to be any lower then it already is.)
*things are winding down, my time in Bloomfield hills/Birmingham is coming to an end, 3 months and I will be on my own in the U.P. its exciting and so scary! I am scared I wouldn’t be able to share enough time with all my friends and family before I leave... big changes are on the horizon.

its raining and I wish I could write good poetry today, but I have to study for government.

I need addresses for graduation party invitations and future pen pal reasons so if I don’t have yours be a pal and email it to me!

love sarafina
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