152 Multi-Fandom-Icons: Hawaii Five-0, Supernatural, Pretty Little Liars, Adam Lambert

Feb 15, 2011 22:45


Was creative again over the past few days... especially today since I "only" worked from 6 a.m. to 12.15, so I had time to make some icons, and since the latest episode of "Hawaii Five-0" was SO good and really inspired me, I made 80 icons... *lol* I know I'm crazy since I made them over the past few hours... the other icons I made over the past few days either, and since they are not THIS much at all, I decided to post them all together... hope, you like them ;-)

10x Adam Lambert/Tommy Joe Ratliff (for adommy_contests )
29x Pretty Little Liars (actually for bliars_stills but since the community is kinda dead, I post them now)
08x Jensen Ackles/Misha Collins
03x Dean/Castiel (made on request but I decided to post them here though ;-))
22x Sam/Gabriel (some of them were on request too, and then I was in the mood to do some more :P)
80x Hawaii Five-0 (ALL of episode 1x17, but not REALLY spoilery, I would say!)
152 Total


All 152 Icons:001002003



















































Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

-) Feel free to use them wherever and whenever you want
-) Please give me a credit, when using
-) Please DO NOT Hotlink
-) Don't alter or change anything on them
-) Textless are no bases
-) Don't claim as your own
-) Feel free to add me to join the community if you want to see more of my work
-) Have fun ;-)

icons: supernatural, icons: adam lambert, icons: tv-shows, icons: adommy, icons: actors, icons: pairings

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