38 Icons: Hawaii Five-0 & Grey's Anatomy

Feb 06, 2011 15:16


So... I was kinda creative again over the past few days, and since I kinda "overacted" again and did 180 Supernatural Icons alone, I will "split" the post and put the SUPERNATURAL icons in the next post and in this for now "only" the "Hawaii Five-0" and "Grey's Anatomy" ones ;-)

The Grey's Anatomy ones are ALL from Episode 7x13 and VERY SPOILER HEAVY, so if you haven't seen the episode yet and don't wanna be spoiled, I suggest you stay away...


All 38 Icons:001002003













Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

-) Feel free to use them wherever and whenever you want
-) Please give me a credit, when using
-) Please DO NOT Hotlink
-) Don't alter or change anything on them
-) Textless are no bases
-) Don't claim as your own
-) Feel free to add me to join the community if you want to see more of my work
-) Have fun ;-)

icons: hawaii five-0, icons: greys anatomy, icons: pairings

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