Jul 02, 2004 18:06
ok so heres a list of things i really dont like
-i dont like female stand up comics....actually, i friggin hate female comics, all they do is bitch and moan about how much men talk about sex, when in reality they seem to talk about it more than the male standups...and i hate lesbian standup....not to discriminate...they just arent funny...at all
-i dont like that feeling after you eat mexican food and you burp and it stings
-i dont like that fact that my work has no set schedual so i cant make plans
-i dont like how some people can be really annoying
-i dont like how sometimes when im chewing food my jaw makes this clicking noise...its really irritating
-i dont like how my room smells
-i dont like the fact that this list is going no where
-i dont like how people can be big douche bags...and not give a flying shit about anyone but themselves
-i dont like how some people are dramatic and say shit like "oh im so fat" when they only say it to get compliments
-i dont like small mindedness...and i probly spelt that wrong
-i dont like how ive felt sick lately
-i dont like how my room is off limits for me whenever my brother is home because he has to sleep, which means no computer
-i dont like how my back hurts
-i dont like how much im bitching right now
thats about it....