Германия приобретёт транспортные вертолёты CH-47F Chinook

May 12, 2023 15:47

Агентство министерства обороны США по военному сотрудничеству (Defense Security Cooperation Agency - DSCA) 11 мая 2023 года направило Конгрессу США уведомление о планируемой предстоящей продаже Германии по линии американской программы межправительственных зарубежных военных продаж Foreign Military Sales (FMS) 60 транспортных вертолётов CH-47F ( Read more... )

США, boeing, авиация, вертолеты, военно-техническое сотрудничество, Германия

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ext_6285695 May 12 2023, 14:25:30 UTC
Это вообще уже просто закат Европы! Уже и ни самолетов ни вертолетов своих! Пока Россия стремительно развивает машиностроение и высокие технологии, ЕС уже окончательно становится придатком США! А США уже тоже давно не индустриальная держава! Все заводы в Китае! Так, что и вертолеты эти скорее всего китайские! Конечно, сам Китай без Российских технологий не всю номенклатуру производить может! Пора уже отказать европейцам в поставках российских технологий и вертолетов по сути на них основанных! Пусть не на Сикорских летают, а на Джонсанах!


luckeech May 12 2023, 16:31:49 UTC
После такого почему себя не лайкнул? Наверное 2 раза оргазм испытал пока этот опус писал, какой ты искусный мастер пера-))


acordian May 12 2023, 17:35:34 UTC
No European planes or helicopters?

Combat jets in production:
Dassault Rafale
Eurofighter Typhoon
Saab Gripen
Panavia Tornado (I know its not made anymore, I just wanted to throw it in because it it cool)

Combat jets in development:
Flygsystem 2020
Global Combat Air Programme
Future Combat Air System
Dassault nEUROn & BAE Taranis (likely already operational)

I don't know much about European helicopters, but it seem to me that even with just jets, you are wrong. Also 0 American military helicopters are made in China or use Chinese components. When you produce parts for the military you have to provide you sourcing documents to they can make sure you aren't relying on china for critical items. And there is still plenty of industry in the US, I used to work at a machine shop making factory machine parts (and a bunch of other stuff).

The only jet Europe really relies of the US for is the f-35, everything else they have their own equivalents. Even for stuff like AWACS they have the Saab 340 AEW&C.


acordian May 12 2023, 17:40:42 UTC
Исправление: извините, если ваше сообщение было сарказмом, я очень плохо понимаю русский сарказм ( ... )


yasha_druz May 12 2023, 18:07:37 UTC

гомопятак продолжай жрать лайно


a1_auto May 12 2023, 19:58:28 UTC

Dassault Rafale - первый полет 1986 год, 37 лет назад

Eurofighter Typhoon - 1994 год, 29 лет назад

Saab Gripen - 1988 год, 35 лет назад

Panavia Tornado - 1974 год, 49 лет назад.

Это у тебя юмор такой?


acordian May 12 2023, 20:46:51 UTC
I listed all aircraft that are in production. Those are first-flight dates, not production dates

Dassault Rafale - 2001
Eurofighter Typhoon - 2003
Saab Gripen - 1996
Panavia Tornado - its old and no longer produced. I included it because I like it
F-22 - 2005

Meanwhile the Su-27 was introduced in 1985, 10 years older than the grippen, yet Russia still produces them in their various revisions, and is their principal fighter (Su-57 still isn't in mass production).


a1_auto May 12 2023, 20:53:20 UTC

But Su-35C and Su-34 - 2014


acordian May 12 2023, 21:02:14 UTC
All of the aircraft listed have been through multiple revisions and are being produced today with modern components (obviously excluding the tornado). The Su-35 and Su-34 are both in the Su-27 family. By your logic the Gripen F is from 2020.


a1_auto May 12 2023, 21:08:30 UTC

And how mach were produced JAS 39E/F?

Su-35s more 130


acordian May 12 2023, 21:22:14 UTC
No clue, I think the Gripen E just started production. The point is all of these aircraft are being revised and kept up to date (including the Su-27). And by the way, I do like the Su-27, I'm not trying to imply it is a obsolete aircraft.


y_a_noname May 13 2023, 08:17:01 UTC

Su-27 _is_ obsolete. Just like F-15C.


acordian May 13 2023, 12:48:01 UTC
The Su-27 _family_, which includes aircraft like the Su-33. The Su-33 is not obsolete, what would replace it? The F-15 is also not obsolete, it supports aircraft like the F-35 with its large payload capacity. That is why we are making the F-15EX, nothing we have is better at getting amraams into the air.


y_a_noname May 13 2023, 18:24:07 UTC

> The Su-27 _family_,

"family" is a quite meaningless term within this discussion. Su-27, on the other hand, is a particular aircraft. It is obsolete.

> The Su-33 is not obsolete, what would replace it?

Su-33 is long obsolete too.

> The F-15 is also not obsolete

F-15C is obsolete. F-15E is not. F-15EX is quite modern.


acordian May 13 2023, 19:55:47 UTC
This is a pointless discussion. Both have modern hardware, but were designed to fit an out-of-date doctrine. They both also still have value and will continue to serve for at least another 10 years. If the doctrine an aircraft was designed for stays relevant, it may serve indefinitely with upgrades. The last B-52 was built in 1962, yet we still operate them to this day, and will continue to use them until the 2050s (100 years of service), when their airframes will start to crack from age.

The Su-27 family is still produced, and China also uses it as their primary strike aircraft. It's fine, not great, but still very useful.


y_a_noname May 13 2023, 20:21:03 UTC

> The last B-52 was built in 1962

And continuously upgraded ever since. Re-engined too. What's left of 1962 vintage B-52? Airframe?

> The Su-27 family is still produced

Different airframe, different avionics, different engines. But who cares, it is only family that matters. Have it your way.


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