Перспективная американская противолодочная мина-торпеда Hammerhead

Apr 14, 2020 10:14

Как сообщил американский веб-ресурс USNI News, ВМС США выпустили требования по созданию перспективной морской противолодочной мины-торпеды Hammerhead, которая должна стать реализацией на новом техническом уровне известной мины-торпеды Mk 60 CAPTOR (cнятой с вооружения в 2001 году). Заинтересованность в участии в программе Hammerhead проявили 16 ( Read more... )

мины, США, флот, ПЛО, подводные лодки, подводные аппараты

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mina030 April 15 2020, 02:43:18 UTC
жесткая амеровская статья по ситуации с их минным оружием 2011г.
The CAPTORs are gone, and only the obsolescent SLMMs and three “Quickstrike” mine variants, which have limited effectiveness in deeper waters against surface targets, are in the Navy’s inventory. But, the SLMMs will be phased out in 2012. At that point, the Navy will have no mines capable of being launched from submarines.
There were a few, half-hearted post-Cold War efforts to develop new mines: An improved submarine-launched mobile mine based on the Mk 48 torpedo was initiated, but died in 2002; the U.S. Navy-U.K. Royal Navy joint concept for a Littoral Sea Mine was pursued, then dropped; and there was the “2010 Mine” to complement the Quickstrike mines. That program was to provide the fleet with a modern air-dropped mine by 2010. But that, too, was canceled, as was another offensive “networked” mine concept, the Sea Predator 2020 Mine. The denouement is that there is no robust U.S. technological/industrial base in this field.
Suggestions that the Navy acquire modern foreign mines, however, have been met with “not invented here” indifference. As early as 2005 the Secretary of the Navy’s Research Advisory Committee (NRAC) examined the issue and concluded, “The U.S. Navy should consider employing mines in offensive operations, to create barriers to deny areas of interest/operations to hostile submarines, UUVs, and SDVs. The current U.S. mine capability is limited and rapidly dying. It is unlikely that the planned 2020 Mine will be developed on time, at cost, and with the capabilities originally expected. Accordingly, the Panel recommends the use of existing and in-development foreign-built mines that could be fitted with advanced sensors to meet the use described above.”

А вот с тех пор они с вероятностью "четыре девятки" развернули масштабную программу модернизации и развития мин, наиболее ярким представителем которых являются авиационные донные мины высокоточной постановки.
С практически единичной вероятностью "Кэпторы" в боекомплект возвращены и приведены в боеспособное состояние .
По новой мине указанные сроки несовместимы с новой разработкой, и скорее всего это глубокая модернизация "Кэптора" под применение с НПА (там нюансы по вывеске).


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