Газета "Военно-промышленный курьер" опубликовала
статью командующего Южного военного округа генерал-полковника Александра Дворникова "Штабы для новых войн", посвященную опыту боевого применения Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации в вооруженном конфликте в Сирии. Генерал-полковник А.В. Дворников с сентября 2015 года по июль 2016 года являлся
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"Citing an Iraqi source close to former president Saddam Hussein’s government, the newspaper said the general, responsible for defending Baghdad, left the city aboard a US military transport plane.
The report said Altikriti was flown to a US base outside Iraq. His departure came on 8 April, a day before US tanks rolled into the heart of Baghdad. US Marines later announced the general had been killed.
Before he left Baghdad, Sufian ordered his troops to lay down their weapons, Iraqi General Mahdi Abdullah Aldulaimi was quoted as saying.
Sufian does not appear on the US military’s list of 55 most wanted Iraqis, which names Barzan Alghafur Sulayman Majid as the Commander of the Special Republican Guard.
An Arab diplomat told Le Journal Du Dimanche the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) planned the plot more than a year ago. “Many suitcases filled with dollars were floating around,” said the diplomat."
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