Land in Mist

Feb 14, 2010 02:01

This is my published novel, Land in Mist. If you are interested please buy it and give it a read.

Salem turned to him, eyes flashing. "Did you learn nothing in college? Trolls are the embodiment of all magic. They are pure. they have no true form. They are like mist--black, impenetrable mist..." He trailed off and turned back to the hall, his eyes fastened on something the other's couldn't see. "He's here!"

When Salem Malrock stumbles upon a rebellion set up against the 'crazy' Queen Clara, to whom he is apprenticed, he finds himself inescapably drawn into a plot that goes far beyond merely dethroning and replacing the queen.

The young Mage must face the wrongs of a past he doesn't know to protect a future as fragile as the morning mist.

Buy it now on:



land in mist, bmlhillenkeene, novel

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