Nein. There will be no copping out of workshop. At worst, it shall be: Here there is synopsis. Critique that, if you will.
But seriously, you can let your deadline slide on that one. Just tell your group leader that you want to hold off until you have something, and she'll be more than glad to let you hold the "next" slot until you're ready.
I don't mind hanging in as long as I don't have to feel guilty about getting to everything late and having to be reminded. It's the idea that everyone is staring reproachfully at me that throws me off. There's a reason I avoid organised sports.
Oh yeah, and somebody has to show me a way to get _quickly_ to the group 3 postings. As it stands, I have to go to my user info, then to the workshop info, then to the recent entries, then page down .... Agh. I am so LJ-illiterate.
Your notes were so good, so helpful to me, I hope you hang in there for our group so we can help you too. I am also LJ-illiterate. You can set it up to get group 3 postings sent to your email. I get it that way but can't recall how that happened. Barry can tell you.
Naah. No guilt here. That's why we came up with the ofverly-complext point system. Just be sure your group leader knows well in advance that you're going to pass for the week, so that the next person can be alerted that they've been moved forward.
But seriously, you can let your deadline slide on that one. Just tell your group leader that you want to hold off until you have something, and she'll be more than glad to let you hold the "next" slot until you're ready.
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