dunno wat to write for my first entry so im jus gonna write some crap
with the hopes itll get better later
umm well fuckin goin through trails right now
hate em, got physics tomorro which i am terrible at, and im seriously contemplating if its worth studying or rather accepting that it is a lost cause.
got a old friends 'surprise' party on fri, so yeah should b sick...
and then the red shore at st claire on sat which might be good and seein deanne (gf) sunday!:)
not a huge fan of the red shore but they have some sick stuff and i hear they are good dudes
anyway thats all i got. probs write some more over the weekend
anyway check out some of my photos on a site i contribute to its the magazine, death before dishonour's web site. so yeah
check out the new Amity song fruity lexia there too!
anyway here are some of my fav pix from my weekend at the 50 lions show at blktown
10 paces, heaps good band, some memebers from the blu mnts, yewww
THE PILKS, of no love lost, hahah voice was so fucked and some random fucked up dude kept touching his leg
fucked up dude blindly smashing into Oscar of 50 lions
Shayne's a funny lookin dude, haha