One Two Many

Nov 27, 2008 15:15

These days there seems to be WAY to many kids gettin semi pro cameras taking photos at show. As quite rightly said by 1OVAKYND(

"I feel like a hypocrite if i keep shooting stuff and not paying attention to the bands as much as we all should be."

I don't wanna be unsupportive of up and coming photographers, but there are jus to many and it annoys the bands and the kids who are truley there to see their favourite bands. Also jus makes me feel so unkeen to shoot. I don't take any photos or barely any as i jus feel like im jus one of the rest.
It looks like this at a show....kinda

So again taking the words from 10VAKYND
"Kids when santa asks what you want for xmas word him up on a new bass, guitar or drum kit.
Not the new semi pro Canon camera."


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