well, last weekend was pretty swell, as far as the current standard goes. I'm BFFing pretty hard with my roommates, which is probably for the best.
friday night I crashed out at like 830, woke up at 1230, decided a massive amount of smoke, a few beers, and Spirited Away was a recipe for success. as it turns out, I was completely correct.
caturday I woke up around the noontime, stumbled outside groggily to smoke a wake up cigarette. Nick and Mark threw me an invite to go play disc golf, which I did. it was a good time, although I'm clearly far from a natural. Mark and I are supposed to go play after work today, but we made those plans drunkenly last night and, historically, those plans never come to fruition. the evening that followed was spent with substances and movies.
sunday was lay in bed and read day, which then turned into letting myself get talked into playing cards (goddamn typical) and boozing until about 2am.
so here I am, at work on monday a little tired but alive and kicking. I went and took myself another 4 day weekend, so wednesday is the new friday this week. this is particularly convenient this week, considering that we're having a poker goddamn tournament at the house wednesday night (triangle residents: if you're interested in playing see me offline).
in other news I think the medication is working? well on the short term. I was prescribed fluoxetine and alprazolam, both of which I thought sounded quite fancy and impressive, in a "my fucked up brain is more especially fucked up than yours!" badge of honor kind of way. sadly, the unending power of google revealed to me that I'm really just eating prozac and xanax, instantly ruining my fantasies of the most special brain chemical disorders ever. oh well!
I think I need to go
here over my four day weekend. anyone game? (I'm looking at you, Josie.)