Before I get into my rant, you oughta check out Revolt Radio at , it's funny like my life.
Now for the Rant:
What the hell is wrong with me? My fiancee leaves and treats me like shit, the whole while telling me that it's not my fault. My best friend gets me to change all of my plans to pick her up from work at 2 in the fucking morning, then decides to leave with someone at the bar, Another friend disappears and the only time I have heard from her was when she was sick as hell and barely answer the phone, and the only people left are my band. This shit gets old fast.
I just don't think I can trust anyone anymore...
and if you weren't lying...then why did you *67 the number?
Why am I not worth the truth?
Why am I always the second choice?
Why must I always be the strong one?
and how long do you think I will be?