Aug 07, 2005 13:55
Yeaup, lookin like we're doin some good quality hard work here. I managed to do the first question of my assignment (which is where I wanted to be for today) and wrote out the Aero 3261 notes (Propulsion). When I get back from havin some lunch (I'll probably go and get a Pork Roll or something similar), I'll write out the rest of my propulsion notes - have another break and then get right into the nitty gritty of writing out my Aero 3560 notes -- which is the major pain in the ass that I have to get done today.
I'm so sick of this cold right about now. I'm just coughin all over the place now - my nose isn't that bad anymore, just a little sniffly -- but my throat and lungs... They say babies die from lung exhaustion during Whooping Cough - which is what this darn well feels like. Chris reckons I should go and get this stuff called Benodrill or something - but to be honest, its just a cough and I can't be bothered to buy medicine for it. I'll just put up with it and the next couple of days it'll go away. It'll probably go by tomorrow.
Its wierd actually -- it was pretty well behaved when I went to work last night. I mean, I was coughin -- but it wasn't all that bad. I got through it fine. Funny that I'm coughing after giving up smoking. Oh well, shit happens. I'll just wait it out.
Anyway, I'm hungry as hell - and a sausage roll is lookin better and better the more I think about it. Later guys. You like the new look of the blog by the way? :o)