Okay... since I've like 2 Almost Human Fans on my f-list, or at least people who are also willing to discuss the new episodes and talk about it and because I really love this show already so much, I thought I'd start a Friending Meme and maybe I'll meet some new interesting people through it =D
I won't add people back who "just add" me randomly (
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About You
Name: verdande_mi
Age: 30
Location: Norway
Are you up to date with the show? Yes
Almost Human
Who is your favourite Almost Human Actor: Both Michael and Karl
Who is your favourite AH Male Character: Dorian
Who is your favourite AH Female Character: Captain Maldonando
Favourite AH Het Ship (if you have one): John/Valerie are cute
Favourite AH Slash Ship (if you have one): Dorian/John because the dynamic between is great and really the ship already sails itself
Favourite AH Friend Ships:
Favourite AH Scene/Episode so far:5, but I really liked episode 6 as well.
Do you write fanfiction or create arts/icons of AH? No
Other Stuff
Other fandoms/tv shows: I have many, but at the moment I post about/comment on things regarding Supernatural, Doctor Who, Teen Wolf, LOTR/The Hobbit, Star trek, Sleepy hollow and The Blacklist.
Other ships: I have many ships; mostly slash.
Favorite music I listen to a lot of different music, but most folk and country.
Your Journal
Friends Only?: All things fandom are open
Your friending Policy?: People are welcome to friend
How often do you post?: I try to at least post a few days a week.
Anything else: (gifs, rec me an episode, season, fanfic or anything AH related or not you want to share) I’m here on tumblr
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