Concert Report :D (including 90 pictures *lol*)

Dec 18, 2008 22:23

Heya you all :-)

Sooner than expected, I’m now writing the report from the Thomas Concert I was yesterday… I’m just in the mood for it… so I thought „So what, I will check my f-list later and just write this report“ :-) I’m still totally… I don’t know… crazy… this all was SO wonderful and so great… I wanna see Thomas and his band again… SOON! Very soon! As soon as possible… he said, he will come to Vienna again in Autumn! But I don’t think I can wait this long… he totally hooked me…

But I think I will just start at the beginning :-D

When I left home around 3 p.m. I thought, I would be much TOO late… I don’t know… Somehow I REALLY thought, there will be tons of people already there waiting in front of the GASOMETER (where the Concert was)… because I’m “used to” this, from all the Fady Concerts… I mean, the people who read my reports know, how stressful it always was, and how many people were always waiting there… when I arrived in Vienna around 5 p.m. and Melanie, from Thomas Godoj Forum “took” me from underground station and I asked her, if there is already a long row, she said “oh, only about 10 people” and I was like O___O 10 People? And when we got there, I saw it was the truth… Now THAT was surprising… but well, in a good way… because so I KNEW I would get a good place :-) We had to wait till 7 p.m. till the GASOMETER got opened and well, that was REALLY uncomfortable… it was FUCKING.COLD. and it was raining the whole time and I was freezing like hell… PLUS… my hair was totally destroyed… *grmbl* I needed 1 hour to get my hair like it was and then it was for NOTHING… -___- that really sucked… I’m sure I looked like shit afterwards…

Well… around half past 6 more and more people arrived, but not that it was REALLY a crowd… I couldn’t see the whole row, but it were less people than I expected it to be… and when they opened at 7 the girls I met there and me were running like WOAH *lol* Just to get stopped by 2 Securities again inside, who told us, that it will take a few more minutes…

And then we FINALLY were allowed to get into the hall… and I got in the 1st Row… *iz utterly happy :D and the “barrier” was REALLY great, because so I was able to “lean” on it… so my hands were not shaking so much and I was able to make A LOT OF great pictures and so on :D

Around 8 p.m. there came this Asian woman on stage and she played Keyboard and sang… well… kinda… Even if I normally LIKE “quiet” and slow songs, but in this case it was just… I don’t know… not the right thing for a ROCK CONCERT… I mean, I was SO tired and if I wouldn’t have stand there I would have fallen asleep *lol* If I would have sit down, I know, I would have slept *lol*

Well… when she was ready the stage was “built new”… they put away the keyboard and so on and made everything ready for Thomas… By this time I really got nervous… and I wasn’t sure if I will REALLY like it… I mean… honestly… normally I’m not this much into Rock Music… normally I’m more into the Music Fady makes… but then he came and it was like WOW… Right from the start he had this charisma, that it just blew me away… OH MY GOD! When he finally, FINALLY was there I just couldn’t hold back… and I stared at him and it was just WOW… *sighs*

He sang a lot of songs… I don’t remember all of them and I didn’t know all of them either, I have to admit, but it was just SO great… during his performance he talked a lot with us… and he just included the audience totally :D It was like we were all a part of this. As if we all were a part of his performance… and he was SO so great the whole time…

Well… he asked us to jump the whole time for 3 songs or something like that and THAT was really exhausting… OH MY GOD! That was not “so good” *lol * But it was fun anyways, because everyone did the same… :-)

What I have to say too: The hall was for about 3.000 fans, but there were about 500… but that didn’t make it less good… I think, it was even better because of this… I was able to move, I was able to dance and jump and sing and clap and so on… things I NEVER was able to do at Fadys concert (not that that’s Fadys fault, you know!!!!) and I Just loved every minute of it…

He even talked about his baby… or at least the baby “he” will get in January with his girlfriend… and someone threw something for the baby on the stage… he took it immediately and said THANK YOU and he was SO cute the whole time! I can’t believe how great it was and I loved every single second of this wonderful concert…

Well… at first he wore a jacket… but after 2 songs (I think) he took it off, and well, there were people screaming “STRIP! STRIP! STRIP!” *lol* He just said “that’s no peep show, I’m not doing such things!” *rofl* That was SO so funny! *lol*

He also ran around nearly the whole time during the concert… it’s like this man isn’t able to stand still for more than 10 Seconds *lol* but it was just SO fun… Okay… except when they made this “unplugged Songs” :-) They sang a few songs unplugged and Thomas was sitting on this chair then… but also not the whole time :-)

Thomas was also coming from the stage and shaking some hands (mine too! *THUDS*) and there were also a few kids who were allowed to sit in front of the stage and he shook everyone of the kids hands and was just SO cute…

But if we are talking about “kids”… at the end of the concert, when they were ready, one of the security “put” a little girl on the stage, who wanted a picture with Thomas… and he was SOOOOOOOO cute with her… I nearly squeeeeeed! Man & Kids are just LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t tell you how much I love it, that he (and also Fady) are so GOOD with children… I’m pretty sure, Thomas will be a GREAT father… Awwwwww… I hope, there will be pictures of him and his daughter sooner or later…

Hm… I don’t know what else I could tell you about it, besides it was SO great… hmm… there happened so much… and he did so many things… Like I wrote before, he also sang this polish song, which totally hooked me, even if I didn’t understand a word, but I just love it when People sing in “other languages”… even if I don’t understand them (like Fady singing French for example)…

Thomas was also making a lot of fun with the audience… for example when they gave a conclusion… LET IT BE started and he sang the first few phrases, and then everything stopped and was quiet… and Thomas said “okay, that’s it, good bye” *lol* and he vanished for about 10 or 15 seconds… till he came back and the music started again and he finished the song! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO great…

And I LOVED it, hearing him sing “Chasing Cars”… I totally loved this song by him in “German Idol” and now he sang it again :-)

In my opinion he was also very “touchy” with his band *lol* He hugged them a few times… okay, maybe not REALLY “Hug”, but it was OH SO GREAT… I loved it… especially when he stood behind… ehem… I think SEBASTIAN, and put his arm around him and leaned against him! *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*

By the way: I Think this SEBASTIAN is REALLY cute… *lol* Not that anyone of the band is “ugly”, but this Sebastian… I think I should “pair” him with Thomas now *lol* just a joke… I will pair Sebastian with ME of course :P

Hm… I don’t think I have much more to say… *lol* I’m sorry… I know, the Fady reports always were so much longer, but that’s because it’s easier to write about him, because at Fadys Concerts, there happens not THIS much… at least that was my impression… and Thomas did SO many things, and he talked SO much… In never thought he would…

He also made “gymnastics”… kinda *lol* That was really funny to see, how he “acted” around on stage and jumped and sang and so on…

What he also did, was opening a beer in the middle of his performance *lol* and he said, he’s drinking it “on Vienna, because we are so great” *lol* And by the end of the performance, he took his beer again and said something like “It’s still my first beer” *lol* Too cute…

By the way: NO ONE knew if Thomas will write autographs afterwards or where… I was told he mostly does this at the MERCHANDISE “Shop”… but there wasn’t one in Vienna… so I just stood there, thinking about going home now… but I’m RELIEVED I didn’t… for real… because a few minutes later Thomas came… he was in front of this barrier, which was still there and started writing autographs… okay… THERE it was a crowd and the people squeezed a lot… but it was REALLY not THIS bad… (not as bad as Fadys signing hour in Hamburg), and it didn’t last long, till I was “through” the crowd and “near him”… I was even able to talk to him! :D Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know… but it was SO much easier to talk to him, than to talk to Fady…

I gave him this picture and he signed… and then I looked at him and asked, if he could write my name on it… and he sad SURELY, NO PROBLEM… and I told him, my name is Katrin… and he asked me “with th?” and I said “with T, but not with H” *lol* and he smiled and said “that’s what I wanted to know” *lol* I also told him, I enjoyed the performance and he simply said THANK YOU!

And then I asked him if I could take a picture with him and he smiled again and said “of course!” and then I leaned over to him and gave my camera to this Security man *lol* And we waited, and then Thomas suddenly said “I think the camera is off”… I just said “SORRY!” and took it again, opened it again, gave it back to the Security and leaned to Thomas… and then it was closed again *lol* Thomas raised an eyebrow and said to the security “Man, I think, you don’t know how to handle a camera”. He looked at me and even if I explained it twice to this “clever” Security man, Thomas said “Would you show it again?” and I turned to Thomas and said “If it’s okay… I don’t wanna take your time too long” and he said “it’s okay… I said you’ll get a picture”, and then I AGAIN explained it, and THIS TIME he finally managed to make this picture… I thanked Thomas again and he simply said “of course, nothing to thank for” and I was in HEAVEN… for real…

Then I went “Out of the crowd” and noticed the other band members writing autographs too… I didn’t know if I should go there, because I simply don’t know them… so I made a few pictures from afar, till one of the girls who stood next to me during the concert said, she wanted a picture with one of the band members… and begged me to make the picture… which I of COURSE was willing too… and because it was so funny and great, I decided, I wanted a picture with this pretty babe Sebastian too… the girl wanted a picture with another one… don’t know the name again, but he wore this funny glasses… I also noticed the “band autograph cards” and well… I decided I want one too… there were not many people around the band… most of them were “with” Thomas… so I was able to let nearly all sign them (I forgot one, it seems *lol*, but no problem) and I just think it looks SO great… and Sebastian (I Think it was him) wrote “For Katrin” :D Awwwwww…

After a while Thomas came to “the other side” where I was standing and gave a few more autographs… and when he stood in front of me I took the chance and let him sign my CD :-) Without dedication, but that’s totally okay… because I already had my autograph with Dedication and it already is on my wall… I will take a picture of it if you wanna see it ;-) No problem… it looks SO great… *awwwwwww*

Hm… all of sudden there came this man (don’t know who he is) and took Thomas a bit away and told him, he has to give an interview now… but he didn’t really want *lol* he said something like “Please, just a little bit longer” *lol* But he didn’t have a chance, so he thanked Vienna again for everything and said good-bye and then they all were gone :-)

Hm… and me… after all this I went to underground station (companied by a few of the girls I was in the 1st row with) and drove to train station… well… and there I had to wait over an hour -___- because the idiots cancelled a few of the earlier trains, because of some “repairing works”… ARGH! I didn’t have to hurry this much, if I’d knew I would have to wait for nearly an hour…

I was so cold and tired and all the waiting was REALLY shitty… but somehow I survived… and went home by train, where I arrived at about 2 a.m. and then I just fell into bed and slept very soon… but far too short… only till 6.30 a.m., because then I had to get up to get to work… but I have to say: it was SO fucking worth it… you have no idea… it was worth EVERY cent… and I just wanna see him again… SOON… ARGH! I need to decide to which concert I will drive (to Germany) to see him *lol* even if it won’t be all too soon… but I need a concert in February, I think… January is Fady month… then February should be a Thomas month *lol* and then Fady again :p *lol*

So… and here are a “few” (around 90 *lol*) pictures I made… I think, they are pretty good… for the fact that it’s just a “little pocket digicam” and so on… well, there are over 500 pictures and 4 videos and all in all it’s about 1,5 GB, so I just WON’T upload everything… but if everyone wants to see all pictures and videos, I’m totally willing to burn it and send you the DVD :-) I think, that’s a deal, isn’t it?

Here are the “choosen pictures” :-D


real life, concerts, picspam, photos, thomas godoj

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