Oct 25, 2003 11:33
Fallen for your best friend? *blushes* one of them...
Made out with JUST a friend? no, he was my bf at the time....
Been in love? YES
Been in lust? I like to think I've been in love, never in lust.
Used someone? nope
Been used? no
Cheated on someone? LOL, whaddya think?! *tuts*
Been cheated on? In a way...
Done something you regret? All the time!!!!
-.H A V E Y O U. A R E Y O U. D O Y O U.-
Considered a life of crime? Nope
Considered being a hooker? Yeah... but then considered STDs
Obsessive compulsive? I bloody well hope not *looks for Italian flag, grinning*
-.W H O.-
makes you laugh the most? Laugh? I dunno, everyone makes me laugh in a way... I think it must be Tim White.
makes you smile? Melanie :)
gives you a funny feeling when you see them? depends, good or bad? Good: Tim White (I dunno, its wierd being mates with yr sister's ex) Bad: Sian Forster (you DON'T wanna know)
has a crush on you? yup *sighs distressfully*
is easiest to talk to? Hailey, zany, my lil sis.
-D O.Y O U.E V E R.-
wish you were a member of the opposite sex? only once a month ;)
cry because of someone saying something to you? yeah, this usually coming from my dad *grrr*
-.W H O.W A S.T H E.L A S T.P E R S O N.-
you hugged? a guy called Damien... *giggles*
you laughed with? another guy called Edoardo *giggles more*
you kissed? wouldn't you like to know now!!!!
you said "i love you" to... and meant it? let me think...
-.D O.Y O U / A R E.Y O U.-
smoke cigarettes? HAHAHAHAHAHA... NO
obsessive? only about certain things
what's your favorite food? hmmm... chocolate at the mo, but it depends on the time of day. Around lunchtime I get a craving for chicken salad sandwiches.
whats your favorite fruit? Pomegranites at the mo, but it depends on the season.
drink alcohol? Yeah... but only until I get tipsy *blushes*
like watching sunrises or sunset? aaaaaaaaaaw!!! WHO DOESN'T, I'd like to know?!
what hurts the most? Being with someone and not being able to see them as much as you'd like to. (e.g. this summer, last summer...)
-.N U M B E R.-
of continents I have lived in? One, Europe.
of tight friends? wayhey... LOL, er... four or five.
of records that I own? about 30 at the moment.
of scars on my body ? one, TB jab *sighs*