New Book Out

Oct 26, 2010 00:17

It has been quite some time since I have posted here -- anyone remember me?

Just thought I'd let everyone on LJ know that I finally got a book published -- a real touchy-feely book. My publisher is 23 House and actually approached me to publish my book. Cool. It is one I wrote in 2008 for NaNoWriMo and involves the Mayan calendar, the myths and legends.

So, if you'd like to know more about it; check out my NEW website...

That is the direct link to the book; my home page is

I have been really busy with all sorts of things -- like my mother deciding she wants to move into a nursing home and leaves me to empty her apt, sell her stuff, pay off her bills, etc. etc. AND I was trying to get this book done and the printer screwed up the cover colors so it took over 30 days to get it straightened out. My BIL has had surgery including having a kidney removed; my mother had a mastectomy and fell twice - one time for 30 hrs before anyone found out she'd fallen. And yes, she had one of the Life Alert buttons, but if you don't wear it, it don't work! Yes, my spring and summer -- this all started in February -- has been a total loss. No travel this year!!

Other than the above, my health is good and I look forward to writing my new novel for NaNoWriMo starting next week -- it takes place in Brazil, involves El Dorado and vampires. Should prove interesting to write.

Hope all of you have been doing well.

Until next I journal -- and hopefully sooner than the last time...
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