Meat Free Monday in Singapore

Aug 11, 2009 18:30

It doesn't matter if you're not from Singapore. Please sign this petition if you believe in the cause. If you don't, now's the time to be persuaded!

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization released an astonishing report on June 5th 2009, stating that livestock agriculture is responsible for contributing a significant part of causing environmental pollution around the world. Animal agriculture’s 'contribution' to global warming is larger than the emissions from the entire transportation sector from around the globe. A 2006 a UN Report titled, “Livestock’s Long Shadow” supported this with the conclusion that global livestock farming generates roughly one-fifth of greenhouse gas emissions, more than all of transport combined.

Although Singapore's carbon dioxide emissions appear “small” (0.2% of global carbon dioxide emissions in 2005) and its methane emissions are “negligible” as Singapore is not an agricultural-based country, Singaporeans can almost match the Americans in meat consumption. According to the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore, Singaporeans ate an average of 90 kg of meat and fish per person per year in the year 2007, as compared to Americans who ate an average of 90.7kg of meat and fish per person per year.

petition, vegetarianism, global warming

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