We are what we do

Jul 30, 2006 10:37

We are what we do

Which have you done? I know there's more I should/could do.

You are one of 8777 people to do action 03: Fit at least one energy-saving light bulb

You are one of 13623 people to do action 05: Smile and smile back

You are one of 6179 people to do action 09: If it says 30mph, do 30mph

You are one of 5011 people to do action 10: Turn your thermostat down by 1º

You are one of 5312 people to do action 12: Turn off appliances at the mains

You are one of 2784 people to do action 13: Recycle your mobile phone

You are one of 7045 people to do action 14: Spend time with someone from a different generation

You are one of 4520 people to do action 18: Learn to be friendly in another language

You are one of 3981 people to do action 19: Learn one good joke

You are one of 10535 people to do action 21: Turn off unnecessary lights

You are one of 2575 people to do action 22: Use your will to good effect

You are one of 6411 people to do action 23: Have more meals together

You are one of 7702 people to do action 25: Use a mug not a plastic cup

You are one of 3568 people to do action 28: Seize the moment

You are one of 10769 people to do action 31: Turn off the tap whilst you brushing your teeth

You are one of 5993 people to do action 36: Take time to listen

You are one of 6631 people to do action 39: Shop locally

You are one of 8188 people to do action 41: Hug someone

You are one of 3774 people to do action 49: Learn more, do more

You are one of 6702 people to do action 50: Do something for nothing

meme, social responsibility

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