rain girl

Jul 01, 2005 15:47

Have I said that I bring the rain wherever I go? It was all nice and sunny in continental Europe a week ago. Then just as I'm due to go, guess what? Weather forecasts talk about rain and light showers.

I swear it's so true. When I visited my friends in Saitama (Japan) last year, it rained all day. The next day after I'd left, it was nice and sunny there. The last time I was in Kuching (East Malaysia) it rained whenever I so much as wanted to make my way to the next sight-seeing destination. Whenever we were indoors, the rain stopped, and whenever we needed to make it to the car, it would start drizzling. And, when I landed in Vienna the last time, it was raining even though the weather had been great on the few days before.

We have concluded that I am the rain girl. If your hometown ever has drought, buy me a plane ticket, offer me free accommodation and I'll be right there to bring moisture.

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