Mum's getting lazier with the Duck Reports, but that doesn't mean that things aren't happening.
DUCK REPORT 1 March 26th 2023
I can see I have not been keeping you all up to date.
We had puppies on Christmas Day, and 3 weeks later Roxie was bitten by a coyote and died 6 hours later. There was only one puncture wound but the tooth went through the colon, bowel, and into the body cavity. She was operated on but died shortly after from toxic shock.
I have since been raising six puppies which has been really hard with the weather not helping. It has only been the last two weeks that they have been able to go outside and then not every day as some days were just too cold.
We have now made it through to three months and are trying to sell them; apparently not an easy task at this time of year. I have so far sold two with the black and tan ones being very unpopular. We are so lucky to have the great neighbours we do as they have been helping out every week saving newspapers and coming to play with puppies.
BLYTHE NOTE: Here are the puppies
And here is a picture of parents, Harley & Roxie Rocketship. R.I.P., Roxie.
Maple syrup making has been going on for the last three weeks. It is very sporadic with some days the sap running and others nothing. This is the first year we have had so much snow I could not get out to the trees and had to buy snowshoes in order to collect the sap.
I have most of my plants started in the house and hope one day soon the snow will melt and I can get some of them outside. I think this is the latest I have ever seen so much snow here. The melt has been very steady, consequently we have not had our spring river through the field and I don’t think we will have one this year.
I was just at a workshop to learn how to knit two socks at once on a long circular needle. The toe was easy but when I reached the heel I ran into countless problems. I think at last I have mastered the problem but we will see.
I just finished two pairs of mitts with exposed figure ends. I was using five needles and hope never to see five needles again. A friend is going to show me how to knit mittens on two short round needles which should be easier except for the thumb which I assume still has to be achieved on four needles.
We are both doing well although heartily sick of winter. Some of the summer birds are starting to drift in but many are finding the cold a little daunting.
This year Michael treated me to a heated bird bath which the winter birds have enjoyed all season.
DUCK REPORT 2 May 31st 2023
I am starting my second pair of two at a time socks just to make sure I know what I am doing. I have also just finished my second crochet hat. I have only just started crocheting, so I am quite proud of myself. This crochet is not the usual holey stuff but looks more like knitting.
The dogs are doing well. Old Harley turns 18 on December 1st seems to have developed pollen allergies as he coughs and sneezes when I take him for a walk but seems okay in the house. Lord Freddy Ramkin is the puppy we kept and is maturing nicely; he seems to be about house trained and is a very handsome guy (blythe note: Lord Freddy is the all tan puppy above).
We have turkeys cruising around the garden, so we should have a nest somewhere close. I think the local birds babies are starting to come to the feeders as air traffic is very thick at certain times of day. We feed about 25 lbs. of bird seed every two weeks, so there are lots of birds.
We still have two cats in the barn and Ducky, who is 14 this year, but seldom leaves the barn.
We are looking forward to a visit from Blythe and MB in a week, but I still have not decided what to feed them. I think the heat is the problem. It’s about 30C at the moment but next week should come back down to normal temperatures and possibly rain. It would be nice to see rain as the ground is so dry it is cracking and the lawn is brown. We started the year with good moisture but have seen no precipitation for weeks.
I have eight nesting boxes installed around the garden, most of which seem to be occupied.
Wally will be starting hay soon as he has already picked up the round baler.