The Duck Report - the birds and the bees

Mar 25, 2022 15:22

More news from the hinterland (and look! LJ is still here!). In this edition, Mum goes a little bird and plant crazy.

Duck Report 10 March 17th 2022

I think spring may just have sprung! Today is a glorious day and the sap is running but I still do not have enough for a boil.

For the last 3 days I have made it out for an extended walk with the dogs coming back muddy and exhausted. Yesterday I bathed Roxie Rocket Ship, so this morning she promptly went out and rolled in something foul. (blythe note: this news surprises no one but Mum)

I went to the weaving guild meeting and heard the ladies report on their natural dying class. All their dyes seemed to be exotic woods so not very helpful. But I did get a recipe for indigo which modulates the pH level. (blythe note: so long as it doesn't turn out like last time, Mum - that was nasty)

I think I have all my seedlings started now so can’t wait until the ground warms up enough to plant. The robins and red-winged blackbirds have arrived along with starlings, which fortunately moved on.

Roxie came back from the stud on Saturday so hopefully she is pregnant and due early May. (blythe note: PUPPIES! PUPPIES! PUPPIES!)

I think we may have to institute a flight traffic control tower around here; we have so many birds arriving and migrating, the sky is full of scudding little shapes.

Duck Report 11 24th March 2022

The weather has improved a little and I have now completed my first batch of maple syrup which looks good and is nice and sweet. I hope to make more as the weather improves. We are in a hollow which means the trees tend to be slower starting with the sap rising.

We have had two days when it has been a pleasure to be outside so I started tearing down the fences. Wally (neighbor) plans to plant all the fields as soon as the animals are gone, so I started on the lane side field and the little pasture behind the hedge. The lane side field has been a hay field for some time so removing the fence will allow us to keep the driveway tidier and give Wally greater access. The little paddock was never a favourite of the sheep as it tends to have lots of mosquitos and poor grass. I now have the tap and wire down so Wally can pull the posts with the tractor. The posts will be good to burn while boiling the maple syrup. (blythe note: waste not, want not...)

I have trays and trays of plants started, probably some too soon, but I am all set for the warmer weather.

spring, family, duck report, birds, parents, dogs, the element of awesomite

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