The Duck Report - PUPPIES!

Aug 17, 2021 13:19

Mum answers some burning questions, and puppies arrive early.

Duck Report 47 15th August 2021

I have been asked why the Duck Report is called such? (blythe note: I ASKED ON YOUR BEHALF, READERS. I GOTCHU.) Well, the answer is that some 15 years ago we had a young vet called John who was out giving the ponies their vaccinations and I happened to moan about how often I had to replace fly strips and how bad the flies were. He said get some Muscovy Ducks and your fly problems will be over. I bought 6 chicks and we had ducks from then on. Albert was a character and became a pet, thus starting the Duck Report. We are now down to one duck and she is 14 years old. Every year I think it will be her last but she keeps on reviving.

I was also asked about the indigo dye? I feel my first attempt did not work due to not enough heat and poor lime, so I am now awaiting a shipment of white lime, when it arrives I shall start again. In the meantime I may try the salt recipe and see how that works.

Duck Report 48 17th August 2021

We had quite the weekend. MB and Blythe came for 2 days and we have not seen them in person for almost 3 years. We had lovely weather and a very enjoyable stay.

Not to be outdone, and premature, Roxie Rocket Ship had puppies 5 days early. But all are well and thriving. There are 4 girls and 1 boy. Everyone has pooped and peed, and are already putting on weight. She achieved this feat between 1 and 2 in the morning with no help. Harley tried to tell us she was giving birth twice, but we ignored him the first time and came down the second to find puppies. (blythe note: I can attest that I wandered downstairs at the first kerfuffle and nothing seemed to be happening. Then, 2 hours later, Harley barked again and we all descended to find PUPPIES, like magic)

On Monday Stephanie came for the loom which really upset Roxie as she was convinced she were coming to take her puppies. I am so glad to see the monster go and I still have Erica’s loom if I have a weaving project. But for now I intend to work some tapestry on it over the winter.

Today I am knee deep in spaghetti sauce. I forgot to check the veg patch for 3 days and had a serious supply of tomatoes to deal with. I call this spaghetti sauce but actually it is tomato sauce with lots of vegetables which I use as a base for everything. It goes in spaghetti, meatloaf, chili, pancakes nandi, soup and anything needing a tomato base.

My lime shipment came today so when it stops raining I shall be out to cut indigo and get started on a new batch of dye.

(blythe note: Here are pictures of the puppies, 1 day old)

A black-spotted girl

One with a head dot, also a girl

This one Mum has nicknamed "Maps" because of the the irregular markings. It could be male or female - I forget

This one is "Really Spotty" for obvious reasons. A girl

This is "Three Spots" and may be either a boy or a girl

duck report, pictures, the element of awesomite, family, deerstones, puppies, farm, dogs

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