Progress on the vaccination front. Finally.
Duck Report 21 April 1st 2021
Twix is doing much better as I am now able to get out on him 2 or 3 times a week. He is quite round and with more work his breathing is improving every time and no coughing.
I am starting a new shawl pattern with larger needles and definitely liking it much better. Today is snowing quite hard so I will no doubt be knitting and spinning most of the day although I do want to get started on curing the sheepskin I have wrapped in the tackroom. I shall set up a table in the shavings shed and start scraping the fat off and trimming the edges then it goes into the washing machine for a thorough clean.
We went yesterday to try and fined Michael a mattress. He tried 5 or 6 but did not seem to be able to find any that really suited him. This will be his 3rd mattress in less than 2 years so I have no idea what he will do. (blythe note: honest, Dad... you're making this into DRAMA at this point...)
Duck Report 22 April 2nd 2021
Today is such a pretty day I decided to go for a ride at 7:00am. It was a lovely ride in the woods but, boy, was it cold! I had on a jacket and a down vest and gloves but I nearly froze. On the way home we came to the jump in the laneway and Twix was ready to go so we did it and sailed over the jump which is the first time I have jumped in many years. He with his heaves and me at 75 - what a combination! (blythe note: WAY TO GO, MUM!)
Yesterday I tackled the sheep skin. It is a very stinky job but it is done and lying out in the studio waiting to be oiled with Neatsfoot Oil. I shall pick up a jar on the way home from getting our shots tomorrow. I also plan to buy Coachaline and clean the tack next week. I don’t think that has been cleaned for nearly a year. What a slob I am! (blythe note: I know she'd make me do it if I was there...)
Duck Report 23 April 3rd 2021
Today was vaccination day and the whole process went very smoothly. As usual, Michael had us at our destination 45 minutes early (blythe note: *eyeroll*) which turned out to be just fine. We were taken in and only had to wait about 3 minutes before we were surveyed and vaccinated then we had to sit and wait for 15 minutes to be sure we were not going to have any kind of reaction. There were college students on hand to guide us and make sure we were on the computer. When we came back home our certificate was there on the computer waiting to be printed out.
I am back working on the new shawl project and have about 3 inches knit. This is much better, nice and lacy, easy to knit and the brown is not quite so brown.
The dogs and I went back into the woods today for our walk and went into the area which was recently logged. What a mess!! They left the bush strewn with brush and many sections of tree cut and not removed. They should be ashamed of themselves and this is Quinte Conservation Authority who owns this section!
My sheep skin is oiled and I think it is going to be nice. It is brown and quite soft. The sheep it came from is very tasty and was less than a year old. (blythe note: o_O)