Duck Report: Butter Tart Fuel Edition

Feb 11, 2021 14:17

More tales from the strange, rural north...

Duck Report 7 7th February 2021

Seed order was most disappointing as half of it was still on backorder. But it got me started and I dug out the grow lights in preparation for starting the first seeds. I think this year it will be peppers and marigolds, both of which are my own seed.

Roxie Rocket Ship informs me that she could fly if I would just give her the correct rocket fuel. She was tearing up and down the stairs, onto my lap, over the couch arm, and back up the stairs. Much of this was done in midair. She thinks good rocket fuel would be butter tarts. (blythe note: this is quite possibly the most satisfying thing my mother has ever written)

Today I have been spinning Ralph’s Lincoln fleece very fine to use as dog leads and belts. I don’t know how it was managed, but this fleece is also shortened and broken. I spun it with a white apron on and the apron was just covered in sections of wool about 5mm long. I think what I am experiencing is wool which has been over-processed as re-carding it is only making matters worse. I will continue with the Lincoln but it really is a shame she destroyed such a lovely fleece. Lincoln is so coarse I don’t know how she did it.

Duck Report 8 10th February 2021

Last night we had a deer in the garden. There were footprints across the pasture to the hay and over the fence to the vegetable patch. I left 2 red cabbages, which I planned on making dye from as they were malformed and coarse, so they ate them!! This morning we saw 7 deer checking the corn stubble. I often see footprints but seldom get to see them up close.

Twix is back to coughing again so later this morning I plan on going to Stirling Seed and Feed and see what I can find to feed him which is not dusty. I know I can feed alfalfa cubes but they will not be very good for the sheep, so we may have to change around our accommodations and way of doing things. Alfalfa cubes would solve the haymaking problem and make feeding much easier, but sheep being ruminors (blythe note: I had to look this up. Mum, how can your spelling be so atrocious and yet you manage to use and SPELL "ruminor" correctly???) require some longer feed material. Perhaps they can all stay outside with the sheep in the run-in shed and Twix in the field? A plan!!

animals, family, duck report, deerstones, farm, dogs, the element of awesomite

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