Duck Report: December 2020 edition

Dec 11, 2020 14:53

More anecdotes from my mother, the apprentice sylvan witch and local animal whisperer.

Duck Report 7 November 22nd 2020

The week is over and cookies and squares are cooked and in the freezer. Tomorrow is mince pie day. I bought two jars of mincemeat at a price of $10.00 each, which I could not quite believe, so now I have a lot of pies to make. Years ago, I had a mincemeat recipe which we were taught at school. I think in future I may make my own mincemeat. (blythe note: Mum mailed me some baking and OMG, it is too good to be actual food. I'm sure she's cast a spell on it to make everything taste better...)

On Sunday mornings Michael (husband) has a bowl of cereal with milk and maple syrup heated in the microwave. The dogs are so tuned into this that they stand beside him as he makes it and moan and groan while he eats it. At the end, they get to eat anything which is left. Their concentration is such that they know when it is Sunday and spring into action as soon as he gets up to fill the bowl.

I have been walking the dogs and spotting new sources of fungus to try out my new knowledge on. (blythe note: Mum is becoming a witch...) We went out today before the snow came and found black fungus on a fallen beech tree which looked promising. I tried pouring boiling water over a small amount and developed a good dark dye stock. It is probably a good job nobody will be here for Christmas as the house is fast filling up with jars of fermenting goo. (blythe note: SEE? WITCH!)

Today I dug up the last of the carrots and leaks. I have a good carrot soup recipe from Erica but went online for leek soup and also lettuce soup. I made the mistake of allowing my romaine lettuce go to seed. I harvested some of the seed, but left the rest and now I have a field of romaine plants. They are all now under a coat of snow but with any luck when it warms up again I should be able to pick a pile for soup.

Duck Report 8 December 4th 2020

Leek soup and lettuce soup both turned out well although I had to tweak the lettuce soup to improve the flavour.

My beach fungus produced a pleasant yellow/beige and I have since used some frozen wild carrot to make a similar but greener version. This I am knitting into a hat and scarf for Bob (neighbor). Bob just dropped of a rocking horse I had asked him to make for me. He makes these every year for people who ask for them and refuses to accept payment. Now we are going to have to find a way to get it to Ottawa and Meagan’s daughter (grand-niece).

We had a little snow but we are now back to green again which will allow me the chance to restock the barn with winter grain. I also heard from Ann, the lady who is processing my wool, and it is ready, so Monday we slide over to Nestleton and pick it all up.

Roxie Rocket Ship is just coming into season again but we will not allow her to have puppies this time as it would mean a litter in February, and she is still very young. So, we will wait for the next breeding period which should be sometime in June, a much better month. This is also the time of year to breed sheep and Dorothy has come into season. Both Freddy and Rupert are neutered, so she is out of luck, but it has not stopped them from fighting over her, in fact all three had a head-butting match yesterday.

Harley had his birthday on the 1st December. He had a small chew all to himself while Roxie was locked up. Then he opened his rope toys and played rope pull with Roxie for 2 hours until he tired of that. In the afternoon he killed a squeaky toy and had chicken for supper. A great time was had by all.

family, duck report, deerstones, farm, parents, dogs

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