Fanfiction: I'm Dying

Sep 27, 2020 11:41

After my previous entry where I stated that I was "between fandoms", I was possessed by the stupid idea that I could get myself to finish my outstanding Criminal Minds WIPs if I started posting weekly chapter updates (I know, I know... I've been bitten by this snake before and haven't learned a thing, apparently). So, I'm using a mostly-completed Reid/Hotch story as my dry run. If it works out, I can bootstrap this technique to finish my remaining WIPs. Wish me luck, folks.

Fandom: Criminal Minds
Title: I'm Dying
Status: Unfinished (work in progress)
Rating: Mature/Explicit (eventually)
Pairing: Spencer Reid/Aaron Hotchner
Warnings: canon-level violence, language, adult themes, sexual activity
Other Tags: hurt/comfort, misunderstandings, denial of feelings, clueless, inappropriate humor, serial killers, FBI, loneliness, hospitals, possibly unrequited love, friends to lovers, we just love each other

Summary: Reid has never been in love before and mistakes it for something fatal.

Read it on Ao3

the state of the blythe, criminal minds, linkity-link-link, fanfiction, fandom

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