Final CM Advent Calendar Update!

Dec 25, 2018 10:42

Ooooh boy, what a ride the past 3 weeks have been. I didn't plan on making half of the things I did, and then I ran out of time for the other half :( Anyway, for those who came along - thank you and Merry Christmas/Festivus/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa to you all! Here's that last story:

Title: Oops. Sleep. Repeat.
Rating: Explicit (NC-17, sorta light though)
Pairing: Emily Prentiss/Spencer Reid
Length: ~14 000 words
Warnings: it's fluffy and completely without a point. oh, and smut.

Summary: Everyone's gotten drunk at a party and done something they probably shouldn't. But when Emily and Spencer do it, it starts a domino effect of bad ideas and awkwardness that is breathtaking to behold.

Read it on Ao3.

happiness, take your shirt off, criminal minds, linkity-link-link, advent calendar, fanfiction, fandom, christmas

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