More Deer-Centaur Stuff

May 28, 2018 16:40

Deejaymil wrote a crazed Criminal Minds-centaur thingie (for which I made an illustration), and then she added a chapter. This also begged to be illustrated (or maybe the crack of crimefighting deers and centaurs is just too much to resist. Potato, potaaatoh). All this proves is that:
a) Illustration: CAN'T STOP. WON'T STOP.
b) my imagination has been sucked into a black hole of fandom
c) Criminal Minds needs more crack liek whoa!
d) illustrating in PowerPoint is becoming obsessional

So, lovelies, here you go. Art no one asked for!

wait...what?, criminal minds, powerpoint, friends, illustration, pictures, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, fan art, this is why we can't have nice things, weirdness, fandom

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