fucking. artboards.

Feb 07, 2018 16:43

I'm definitely getting old. Photoshop CC is pissing me off with all of their "enhancements" set as defaults that it takes a coding degree and a bucketload of patience to disable.

Case in point: artboards.

Artboards are an element found in Illustrator that allows you to create multiple elements in various ratios within the same working document. I have NO IDEA why you'd want to do that, but I'm not good with Illustrator and they've been around forever, so... But they are a *new* upgrade to Photoshop. The problem is that artboards autofill with a solid colour which is a problem when rendering something that requires a transparent background. Oh sure, you can change the artboard background to transparent BUT IT DOESN'T DISPLAY ONSCREEN THAT WAY SO IT'S REALLY DIFFICULT TO JUDGE HOW YOUR PNG WILL TURN OUT! After much grumbling, preference menu-skimming, and a ton of Google searches (because the Adobe website is remarkably unhelpful), I figured out that the only way to get the traditional checkerboard Photoshop background that shows you that you have transparency, is to ungroup the artboards manually in each file you create. Essentially, you are turning the artboard function OFF because it's getting in the way. And there's no way to set this as a default because Adobe wants you to love artboards even if they suck.

Dear Adobe, I just LOVE IT when a pile of coding tells me HOW. TO. MAKE. ART. Cheers for the unnecessary limitations, assholes.

Well, just goes to show you that an aggravated human can get what she wants if she keysmashes hard enough >:/
Now, onto my other 43,291 problems...

asshole douchebaggery, photoshop, rant, blythe is gonna blow, thanks for nothing, rageful, computer fall down go boom, this is why we can't have nice things

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