Inspiration in the weirdest places

May 04, 2017 12:22

So, I was making changes to a file for a client (and grumbling about it, like you do, because they weren't so picky before they saw how much I could improve their stuff in the first place) and the resulting file folder was too big to email, so I had to use We Transfer to deliver it. I love that file transfer site because it's clean, idiot-proof, and free to use. But it also has beautiful streaming graphic content while you're waiting for your files to be delivered (it's basically advertising but in a less obvious way). As the folder was transferring, an animated cityscape came onscreen by someone called Geriko. I was so impressed that I clicked their link and watched their Vimeo videos. Here is one of them:

It turns out Geriko are two people, and the influences of groundbreaking anime and French surrealist comic book art on them are obvious. It felt as if I'd stepped into a world that was the lovechild of Ghost In The Shell and Jean Giraud. Plus, to create such complicated environments using only black and white... I'm in awe of the visual sophistication that requires.

And now I'm not so ticked off at my client for their stupid changes ;)

client bullshit, work, the element of awesomite, moebius, video, tech, comics, fabulousity, interweb, animation

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