Well. That was quite something.
You've made your choice, Cousins. I hope you can stomach it for at least 4 years. While I'm not going to discount the will of the majority of voting citizens, I think a lot of you need to take a long, hard look at the kind of country you want to live in and I hope to God that it isn't a racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-all-religions-but-Christianity, reactionary, fear-mongering place. Because if that's what you want you're going to lose a lot of friends. You've already lost the left-leaning in your own country - actual CITIZENS and friends and neighbors - and I firmly believe that they'll be ranting and raving every second of the next 4 years. It won't be peaceful even if you do have a majority in both houses now.
I mean, great: ANYONE can be President in your country (provided the person has millions to spend on an 19 month campaign effort and, apparently, a pair of testicles). But while that may be somewhat reassuring on a general level, it also means that you've just elected someone with no political experience to the most powerful position in the land. Maybe a lot of you are sick of 'professional politicians' but there's something to be said for those who understand how to negotiate an international trade deal or calm a volatile crisis or even understands how the constitutional process works without making it up as he goes along.
I just... I just don't understand the thinking, Cousins. I know you're angry, but do you really know what you're angry about? Was THIS GUY the only person you thought could solve it?? What happens when he can't? What will you do when his campaign promises collapse (because, darlings, ALL campaign promises are rhetoric - you know that, right?)?
You've had terrible times before, Cousins, and you got through them. I have faith that you will weather this as well though I'm not sure how. Please listen to the angels of your better natures over the next few years. Please love your neighbors instead of suspecting them. Please open your consciences and hearts to possibility rather than closing yourselves off with fear. Work for greater education, care, and understanding in everything you do, everywhere you go.
I love you, Cousins, even if I do not understand this. Good luck ♥