Ups & Downs

Oct 06, 2016 12:47

So, the kitchen cabinets are ONE COAT AWAY FROM BEING DONE, YO! Then I can put away the paint equipment and do sweet F.A. for the next six months thankyouverymuch. Christ, I'm never doing this again. Seriously... I'll pay someone next time - I'm too old for this shit.

Yesterday I found out that a client I do a lot of work for died in September. He had cancer. I knew that he was undergoing treatment but was shocked to discover that he was gone. We weren't friends, but we were friendly and he was a unique sort of CEO. He worked hard, expected his employees to do the same, but always had a great sense of humor about what he was doing. He (and his company) took good care of his employees paying them very well and giving them plenty of time off to offset the crazy deadlines they were responsible for. He was very good at a lot of things but when he came across something he didn't know, he sought out a specialist and gave them full autonomy to complete the task according to their skill set without interference from him (unless it was wrong, of course). I always found that to be very respectful and unexpected in a CEO - he didn't think he was the Master of the Universe. We were on a first name basis from the day we met and he often called me up with a vague outline of a creative idea and we'd chat it through until I got on the same page with him. He always said that he could call me up with NO CLUE what to do, and after 5 minutes on the phone with him I could deliver an end result that hit the mark more often than not - he thought that was hilarious. Anyway, he's gone and I'm sorry for it. One of his senior project managers called to let me know and we laughed about our mutual memories of some of the crazier projects we did with him. The company he co-founded will continue on, but I wonder how much it'll change now.

This coming weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving. It came as a surprise (as it usually does) - it's always a bit too early in my opinion. It's still warmish here and it doesn't feel like fall yet. Anyway, this means a long weekend, and that many of my clients have disappeared until next week. That's fine by me. Things will pick up starting next week and I may not have a lot of down time until Xmas. I need to get some fannish stuff in this weekend while I have the time. There's a CM big bang over on Ao3 that I'm considering (the timelines are long, which is good for me), and I have at least one WIP which is almost ready to post. Then I'm considering some fan art (uncommissioned - just stuff I want to make for other works). I'm just trying to capitalize on the energy I have at the moment. Who knows when it will evaporate, right?

Also this weekend is a SPN Con at MB's hotel (I don't know WHICH Con it is - whatever one takes place in Toronto). He texted me from work saying that the fangirls are already out in force. He's amused but I told him that he should be a little bit afraid of that much unrestrained estrogen. Luckily, he doesn't have to work it - they use their own tech services, he just preps the rooms in advance.

I think this calls for my favorite slightly-bemused/confused Sam Winchester gif...

Yep, that's how I feel about fandom in general too ;)

to do list, supernatural, thanksgiving, pictures, work, synap, r.i.p., fandom, so sad, lucky #7

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