Pointless Friday Meme

Aug 19, 2016 12:50

Stolen from the enviable amberdreams...

1. Are you named after someone?
No. I was the first child and my parents were lazy when it came to names. I don't even have a middle name!

2. When was the last time you cried?
I cried at the series finale of Penny Dreadful BECAUSE IT WAS SO DAMNED BAD, but I'm sure this question meant real crying - all emotional an' stuff - not rageful crying >:/ I guess... I cried after the Nice terrorist attack. I'm just so tired of humans being horrible to one another over ideology.

3. Do you like your handwriting?
Sure. I don't write by hand so much anymore and my handwriting has evolved into cursive printing, but yeah, I do.

4. What is your favorite lunch meat?
Lunch meat? Processed meat is the devil.

5. Do you have any kids?
No, but I'm a doting 'crazy aunt'.

6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Only if I possessed a certain, well-tested tolerance for weirdness. Also, as a friend, I tend to disappear sometimes.

7. Do you use sarcasm?
No. What is this 'sarcasm' thing you speak of? It sounds dastardly and no fun at all.

8. Do you still have your tonsils?
Yes. And as a follow-up: WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW?

9. Would you bungee?
Me 20 years ago: Hell YES! Me now: ugh, sounds like a lot of work...

10. What is your favorite cereal?
Raisin Bran. No, really, I sorta love it.

11 Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Of course. There's no quicker way to bust a heel cup or stretch out a snug arch fitting than by wrenching yer shoes off because you're too lazy to bend over /former professional shoe salesperson rant.

12. Do you think you’re strong?
Emotionally strong, yes.

13. What is your favorite ice cream?
They used to make something called Tin Roof Sundae when I was a kid, but you can't get it anymore and I don't know why. Also, Loblaws does an ice cream with frozen dark chocolate drizzle in it called 'crackle' which is pretty damned addictive.

14. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Their face. Because I'm looking at their FACE.

15. Red or pink?
ALL colors over pink. I hate pink.

16. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
My crippling self-doubt.

17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?
Forest green pants and bare feet. The pants are called 'ninja pants' but there's nothing remotely lethal about me today.

18. What was the last thing you ate?
Vanilla latte from Cherry Bomb.

19. What are you listening to right now?
If These Trees Could Talk and the righteous guitar-ness of them is frying my mind.

20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
The crazy shade of green everyone's afraid to use.

21. What’s your favorite smell?
The universal answer to this is 'cut grass'. There was a study done about it an' everything. But a close second would be 'Yorkshire, summer rain'.

22. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Mum. She was marooned in Chicago by United Airlines and needed some help.

23. What’s your favorite sport to watch?

24. What’s your real hair color?
Can we not go there?

25. What’s your eye color?

26. Do you wear contacts?
No. Things swimming over the surface of my eyeballs freaks me out. I have glasses though.

27. What’s your favorite food?
Tough call. Pizza? Sushi? Pad Thai? I do love a nice roast dinner with all of the fixings...

28. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending. What can I say? I'm a romantic sucker at heart.

29. Last movie you watched?
Ugh, Keanu, because my husband really wanted to. The last film I saw because I chose it was O.J.: Made In America.

30. What color shirt are you wearing?
It's white. And now I'm wondering who's shirt I'm wearing because I don't have any white shirts o_O

31. Summer or winter?
Given my choices, winter. But autumn is the best season, really.

32. Hugs or kisses?

33. What’s your favorite dessert?
For every day: yogurt. For special days: cheesecake.

34. What book are you reading?
A spy novel by Ken Follett. It's sorta hit-and-miss.

35. What is your profile pic?
Here it's Gillian Anderson. In other places it's Batman drinking coffee. Both represent me well ;)

36. What did you last watch on TV?
Hubby and I are watching The Last Ship on demand. But I also tune into the Olympics every day to see what's up.

37. Favorite sound?
Red-winged Blackbird. It reminds me of my Grandma's house.

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38. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
Don't make this into a 'Cake or Death' issue - I love them both.

39. What is the farthest you’ve been from home?
Melbourne, Australia.

40. Do you have a special talent?
You mean, can I cultivate crops on Mars, or survive in the desert for months without provisions? No, but I think we need to scale back our personal expectations a tad. I have plenty of great skills but none of them are gonna help me win on American Ninja Warrior or anything.

41. Where were you born?

wait...what?, personal trivia, sarcasm, meme, friends, list, the state of the blythe, youtube, video, this is why we can't have nice things, procrastination, questions, your shit is crazy, bored

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