Art: Baby is so shiny - SPN_Heatwave entry

Jul 25, 2016 11:42

Title: Baby is so shiny
Artist: blythechild
Characters: Sam & Dean Winchester, and of course, Baby
Rating: 14A for wincest, a suggestive final panel, and general shirtlessness - nothing here is explicit but I'm gonna say don't look at it at work just to be safe
Medium: pen and ink, Photoshop & Illustrator CS6

Artist's Note: I hate summer. I mean, I really ( Read more... )

take your shirt off, pictures, fan art, hell yeah!, comics, fabulousity, fandom, photoshop, supernatural, illustration, benevolent blythe of hawtness, the element of awesomite, its not tha heat its tha hawt, summer, yay me!, your shit is crazy

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Comments 18

amberdreams July 25 2016, 16:04:15 UTC
This is beautiful! I love the glowing golds and oranges! I think my fave is Sam taking his shirt off, love the composition as well as the glorious subject matter *grin*

I have yet to work out how to vectorise something. Or, indeed, draw nice clean lines in PS. One day I might have an epiphany similar to yours... LOL

All I can say is, this was time well spent.


blythechild July 25 2016, 16:15:22 UTC
Thanks! I'll admit: I'm a bit chuffed with myself about this one :D And OMFG, I love drawing a shirtless Sam!

I can't draw/paint in any digital program. EVERYTHING gets hand drawn first. PS and AI are just tools to make shit look shiny to me. Once I drew/scanned/level-corrected my original drawing in PS and saved as a jpeg, THIS is how I vectorized the linework:

1. Open file in Illustrator (must be LARGE)
2. Go to Object > Image Trace > Make and Expand
3. Go to Object > Ungroup
4. Click off canvas then select background and delete
5. Select all elements together (use the black arrow tool and draw an invisible box around everything) and the Object > Group
6. Press Ctrl C in Illustrator
7. Open PSD file, press Ctrl V to paste, select "Smart Object" when the pop-up window appears
8. Resize as needed

It's a great trick to know, but as I said, the image needs to be large and you will lose some finer detail in the process.


amberdreams July 25 2016, 21:36:23 UTC
I only have PS6, no Illustrator. I did download a trial version of Affinity and might purchase it, I'm not sure yet, as I've not really made the best use of the trial.


blythechild July 26 2016, 13:32:55 UTC
I have the Affinity beta as well, but like you, haven't spent much time trying it yet. Given the price point and the annoyance of Adobe's subscription model, I think I'll buy it regardless of how much I use it because it's always good to have options. But I use this sort of software for my business clients as well, so...


firesign10 July 25 2016, 17:09:25 UTC
Beautiful!!! I loved this!


blythechild July 25 2016, 17:10:09 UTC
Thank you ♥


emmatheslayer July 25 2016, 17:50:37 UTC
awesome work


blythechild July 25 2016, 18:14:00 UTC
Thank you, blossom ♥


equally_dour July 25 2016, 18:28:35 UTC
so very pretty!


blythechild July 25 2016, 18:30:48 UTC
Thank you very much ♥ It's hard not to achieve pretty when drawing fit, shirtless men ;)


madebyme_x July 26 2016, 12:14:12 UTC
Such a beautiful piece! I love the warmth of your colours, with the yellows and oranges, and those gorgeous boys.

Very summery and happy making! Thank you for sharing :)


blythechild July 26 2016, 13:54:35 UTC
Oh! I'm so happy to hear that this is "happy-making" XD Because that's not my forte at all.

Thank you for checking in and telling me what you thought ♥


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