It might hit 40C today...

Jul 21, 2016 10:31

I'm not happy about that >:/

I need to finish my spn_heatwave entry. Holy crap, the deadline is next week and I'm only half done o_O *is worried, begins to shake a little*
(visual representation of me squaring off with my fan art commitments - hint: I'm NOT the lizard in this scenario):

I want to be writing (naturally, I want to be doing the thing that I shouldn't be doing), but if I'm being honest with myself, I can't get a flow going with much of anything right now. So frustrating. Next week I have 3 work projects coming in, I'm leaving on vacation on Wednesday for a week (to visit my parents - so, more like unpaid household labor than a vacay), then I have a show to do in Ottawa, and more work projects through the end of August. This summer has been totally ass-backwards. I feel like I haven't achieved a whole lot and I usually am a creative engine in summer because of the reduced workload and my pathological need to avoid the sun.

I don't think this is really a huge problem to have, but it's where my head's at this morning, that's all. Okay... time to tackle spn_heatwave... *straps in, checks emergency shute, braces for impact*

I'll leave you with this image which I thought would appeal to some of you. I admire the cheeky bastard who designed this label ;)

to do list, stories from the far side, fuck-a-doodle-doo, stop the world - i wanna get off, pictures, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, fan art, thanks for nothing, blurgleweegsnazzer, this is why we can't have nice things, fandom, wait...what?, supernatural, its not tha heat its tha hawt, summer, write something you miserable fuck

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