Shag, Marry, Cliff

Jun 01, 2016 15:45

Peer pressure wins out again...

Taken from draycevixen:

Leave a comment on this post, and I will give you the names of three characters.

Post on your LJ/DW and tell us which one you would shag, which one you would marry, and which one you would push off a cliff.

Please feel free to 'splain your choices!

She chose Hannibal Lecter, Michael Samuelle and Spencer Reid


And then I was all "Oh COME ON! How's a girl supposed to CHOOSE??!?!?!?" (I then I spent waaaay too long Googling pictures of said candidates)

Okay, so a tough choice but...
CLIFF: Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal). Despite his impeccable taste *cough*, style, intelligence, and general sense of fascination, the guy EATS PEOPLE. Also, his relationship with Will Graham reveals that even if he loves you, he's not above trying to destroy you, physically or psychologically.

Shag: Michael Samuelle (La Femme Nikita - tv). Michael's hot and intense but he never speaks. NEVER. And that blank staring thing he does instead of emoting would get old after a while ("Hey do you feel like going out tonight?" *blank stare* "Did you call your Mom back?" *blank stare* "Can you pick up some asparagus on the way home?" *blank stare* "C'mon, Michael, work with me, hon..."). But I bet he's an animal in the sack, so...

Marry: Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds). Perhaps this wasn't as hard as I thought. Reid is the least homicidal of the three - sort of an obvious marriage choice in that regard. And wicked smart, and ooohhhhhh I loves me a smart man ♥ His style has gotten better as he gets older, and I bet I could learn to live with the hair. Basically, his nerdiness would be a good fit with my own and marriage is all about compatibility, right? ;D Also, CHEEKBONES... holy crap!

take your shirt off, sex appeal, meme, friends, sassy redheads, pictures, benevolent blythe of hawtness, its not tha heat its tha hawt, fandom

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