February Challenge: Things I Love - Day *mumblemumblemumble*

Feb 17, 2016 16:12

Hello, F-list *waves*

RL hit like a sock to the jaw at the end of last week and I've been recovering ever since. Much like this...

There's new work drama (thankfully I'm just a bystander this time), and the clients continue to be crazier than normal [*EDIT: I wrote that sentence TWO HOURS AGO, then the client crazy came back to visit. It's like sitting around for hours, doing nothing, and then suddenly being dropped into a drag race where everyone is tear-assing their way to a cliff's edge at full speed. I just don't get people - what's so hard about planning?]

Anyway, I fell pretty far behind in the February love meme, soooo I'm not gonna make up those lost days. They are just lost. Deal with it. Onwards...

Today's love is HUGS! Because, holy crap, some days you just can't make it without one.

So, here's a strange Blythe fact: I'm a little hug-adverse. Why, you ask? It's nothing traumatic or sordid - my parents and relatives gave me tons of love as a kid. It started when I got to middle school and girlfriends started getting cliquey. They'd squeal and hug those in their inner circle at the beginning of the day, at lunch, on the way to the bathroom, between classes... I just found it perfectly ridiculous. Hugs, to my mind, were supposed to mean something, not be a fucking doorprize for showing up. So, I was HANDS OFF unless it was an important-type hug. Also, as a teenager I worked in restaurants where it is common for servers to let you know where they are in relation to you by touching you. Usually, you have to quickly get out of the way, so touching became a kneejerk reason to MOVE. Then, you know, there's being an awkward teen trying to figure out what different kinds of physicality mean... Yeah, I wasn't much of a hugger for a long time.

But now I'm good with them (I still think they should mean something though). I have one friend who still warns me that she's gonna hug me before she does it even though I told her it's fine. A great hug can revitalize your whole day, and it really means a lot to other people to have that sporadic, unexpected contact. It's a pretty powerful, non-verbal gesture with great power comes great responsibility. And a man who can give great hugs.... daaaaaammmmmmmn, that's a special kind of awesome. If you find one of those, don't throw him away ;D

So hug someone today - it'll be good for both of you ♥

wait...what?, stories from the far side, stop the world - i wanna get off, love, meme, friends, pictures, work, the element of awesomite, benevolent blythe of hawtness, omgwtf, fabulousity

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