Snowflake Challenge Thingy - Days 1-3

Jan 04, 2016 16:30

Okay, so a few on my f-list are doing the Fandom Snowflake Challenge over on Dreamwidth (I have a Dreamwidth account that I never use - the moment those folks decide to host their own photo content, it'll be another story). I've decided to pile on. I think I noticed it on amberdreams's blog first, but it's basically everywhere. Anyway, here we go:

Day 1 - In your own space, talk about why you are doing the Fandom Snowflake Challenge?

I'm not sure other than I need to get myself back into a regular schedule of fandom things. Oh, and work is deadly dull at the moment.

Day 2 - In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts.

  • A reader recently contacted me asking if they could pick up one of my stories where I left it and write a continuation/reimagining/sequel. I'm not sure how others feel about this sort of thing but because the stories I write are already based on someone else's work, I don't feel that I can say 'no' to something like that. And, I'm a little curious about the results, to be honest. So, yeah, I think that would make my wish list.
  • Fan art for ANY of my stories. I've received a couple of banners over the years, but - you know - just about any kind of art based on something I wrote would make me squeal like a trapped cat.
  • Getting recc'd somewhere (and it would be nice if the recc'er let me know about it). My only big bang effort got recc'd when it was first posted but I didn't realize that until a reader told me how they came to read it - I had to Google the title to find the rec link. It's one thing to have a contented reader, but it's a whole different flavor of cotton candy to have a reader turn to their friends and say 'DUDE, you gotta read this one!'

Day 3 - In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

Hmmmmm... self-recc-ing, really? I can already feel the blush starting to spread.

  • I spend most of my fannish time writing Criminal Minds fic, but one of my all-time favorite stories is a V for Vendetta one. All Things Being Equal was my last V fic (or thereabouts) and even when I reread it now, I find it to be a satisfying period at the end of that fannish era. I wish I could write more V stuff (I've already written TWICE as many CM fics as V ones), but since I can't, I'm glad I ended it with this one. No one reads V stuff anymore - the stories just get dusty over on AO3 - but if you saw the movie and liked it, you might like this fic. It's a little sad and sentimental, but it ends with hope.
  • Again for the La Femme Nikita fandom is another personal favorite. I wrote it nearly a decade after the show ended and it's my only LFN story even though a fanned the show hard. None of the LFN comms were still active when I posted it and yet it still managed to get +400 hits. I guess there are still some old, hardcore fans out there. The magic of this show was the relationship between Michael and Nikita - the constant belief that they were lying to each other or snowing everyone around them either to protect or to destroy them was something that never got old even over several seasons. I tried to get a little of that feeling in this story and I'm quite proud of the results (also, writing a guy who barely speaks is a challenge and I'm glad I didn't embarrass myself with that).
  • It's hard to pick a favorite CM story but if I was held at gunpoint and asked this question, I'd choose Mistaken. I don't know what it is about Reid and Prentiss in this story that feels so satisfying, but... yeah, I really love them in this. There's a fullness to their (really fucked up) romance without me falling back on my 'geek tricks' in this one - I made them less funny, less likeable, more adult. It's the Reid/Prentiss story that I like rereading the most.
  • I'm sneaking in a fourth pick because I truly love it, and because it's original, no one reads it. The Funeral is a part of something much larger that has (so far) failed to come together. Sometimes I hate that this section turned out so well because if I abandon this idea entirely, I will have left behind a few really interesting people. It's about unpleasant folks being annoying to one another and trying not to reveal that they are fascinated by how much like dislike each other.

Art recs

Well, that's enough if that nonsense...

memories, criminal minds, linkity-link-link, fan art, the state of the blythe, unsolicted opinions, this is why we can't have nice things, fandom, person of interest, profound or creepy?, v for vendetta, fanfiction, friends, meme, supernatural, misty watercolor memories, write something you miserable fuck

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