30 Days of Fanfiction - Day 2 & 3

Nov 12, 2015 11:37

I've elected to answer the Day 2 & 3 questions together as they are closely related.

2. Name the fandoms you've written in, and how much you've written in that fandom, and if you still write in it.

I had to look this stuff up on my AO3 account. Asterisks mean that some of the fan works are art pieces posted on the site.

Criminal Minds* - 64 works published - this is an active fandom for me
V for Vendetta - 35 works published (this doesn't include fan art) - no longer active
Supernatural* - 10 works published - active
Sherlock (BBC TV) - 8 works published - technically still active though season 3 produced ZERO incentive to keep writing for it
Person of Interest* - 5 works published - active
Forever (TV) - 3 works published - the show was cancelled after 1 season, soooo... inactive?
Supernatural RPF* - 2 works published - I don't participate in the RPF side of this fandom except when cherie_morte compels me to draw something for it and I do because I love her
Almost Human - 1 work published - inactive (show was cancelled)
Blade Runner* (film 1982) - 1 work published - man, if I could fan write as well as Ridley Scott I'd be all over this film
The X-Files - 1 work published - inactive - I arrived to internet fandom too late for The X-Files. But the reboot? Well, we'll see...
La Femme Nikita (TV 1995, also known as Nikita) - 1 work published - inactive - I'd write more but there is LITERALLY no place other than AO3 who still hosts fic for this tiny fandom
Original works - 6 published

Other fandom works which were published on other sites that have now gone dark: Twilight (don't judge - I was in it for about 4 weeks but was tossed out for being critical of the source material), Pirates of the Caribbean, Luther (BBC TV), Watchmen, Abe & Kroenen (Hellboy pocket-fandom), and Batman: The Animated Series. I also wrote (but never published) for Jupiter Ascending, Black Dagger Brotherhood, and The Night Inside. I think that's everything.

3. For each of the fandoms from day two, what were your favorite characters to write?

Criminal Minds. Since this is the fandom I've done the most in, I've written from many characters' POVs. At first I just wrote from Reid's perspective and I have to admit that most of my CM stuff revolves around him one way or another. It was daunting because he's a genius character and someone who doesn't bear much resemblance to an archetype, but I ended up carving out a head canon around his quirks, nerdiness, and empathy rather than the intelligence aspect. I think it's worked out well ;) Then I broadened my reach to Emily Prentiss and then Aaron Hotchner. Prentiss is the type of character that we need to see more of: an intelligent, physically capable woman who can be both professional and emotional in equal measure. She's opinionated, deceptive, geeky, intimidating, sexual, tender, sarcastic... god, she's just the whole package. Hotch is one of those silent characters that I love to daydream about. Because he's been front and center on the show for nearly 10 years, we know plenty about him but it's always because it's been revealed and not because he expressed it. It's a challenge to write him with all of his baggage and history, and that's mostly because the guy rarely gives you anything (and he's developed a conversational style that is mostly eyebrow twitches and sublimated smirks). Now, I think that Reid, Prentiss, and Hotch all hold an equal fascination for me.

V for Vendetta. This one's easy: it was always about V and Evey for me (usually the film versions). V cuts a romantic figure in the traditional sense but there's this pathological darkness underneath all of that which makes him so much more. I like my antiheroes damaged ;) Film!Evey was the evolution of a victim to a liberator that I felt was lacking from the graphic novel version of the story. As a woman I was drawn to Natalie Portman's version of the character because she was updated just enough from Moore's original (which was informed by the times that he wrote her in ie. the early 80s). Once again, I wanted more of a woman who showed a multiplicity of impulses - not just a romantic object, or a feminist trope, or a lost little girl.

Supernatural. I admit it - I'm a Sam girl. Sam all the time. SamSamSamSam. Dean's great too (and for me, it's Sam & Dean together, all others are invalid), but Sam's the one with ambition, bedevilment, and strangely inexplicable Google-Fu. He can be unpredictable, he is terribly hamstrung by his emotions, and, techincally, he's the smart one ;) Also, he's weird looking and I love drawing that (no, seriously, if you pull apart his features analytically, he's a STRANGE LOOKING DUDE). Plus, one day I'm hoping that he'll become the canon equivalent of Scully to Dean's Mulder (though his track record of getting hit in the head suggests otherwise).

Sherlock. This is also a no-brainer: Sherlock Holmes is the sole reason why I'm in this fandom. This is also why I haven't written anything since the end of season 2 - because they fucked. with. Sherlock. Once again I'm drawn to the genius, socially unacceptable, flawed character. Are we sensing a pattern here? Plus, I LOVE writing someone who's mean.

Person of Interest. All of my fandom loves come with pairings attached but that usual happens after I get into it a little. POI came with the pairing pre-established for me. I cannot separate Finch from Reese - to me they are one, whole, complicated character and that's who I write. Also, I love Shaw but haven't written anything for her yet. Hmmmm...

Forever. Oh god... it still hurts that we lost this one. Henry is the obvious focus of this show but it was his dynamic with Abe that made me want to write for it. There's the father/son aspect but more importantly there's the partners-in-adventure thing that pulled me in. And Abe always seemed like he was teaching his father, which I found fascinating. Had the show continued it would've been interesting to see how Martinez slotted into that relationship.

Almost Human. Dorian was the draw here and rightfully so as he was played with such joy by Michael Ealy. John (Karl Urban) was a distant second (although I would've gleefully slashed them if the show had continued). A machine who wants to be a real boy... yeah.

The X-Files. MULDER&SCULLY! MULDER&SCULLY! MULDER&SCULLY! MORE SCULLY, LESS MULDER! I said above that Emily Prentiss was the whole package but she wouldn't have existed if it weren't for Dana Scully. Scully is the woman I wanted to be when I grew up. She's fiercely intelligent, loyal, inventive, empathetic, ballsy, savvy, as well as being a teeny tiny redheaded sex symbol in those heels and custom pantsuits. Fuck yeah, SCULLY!

La Femme Nikita. In this fandom the draw was always Michael. He was also the reason why I only ever wrote one story. He's basically non-verbal - which is mysterious and full of potential, but also really hard to write about. His relationship with Nikita was the focus of the show so she's always there in it too, but I was only ever interested in Michael and how he survived in Section One.

x-files, criminal minds, linkity-link-link, supernatural, meme, friends, fanfiction, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, fan art, write something you miserable fuck, fandom, v, person of interest, weird

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