Malene Arpe is dead. Malene was the former film section editor for the now defunct (I still miss it!) Eye Weekly and then moved over to be the entertainment blogger for the Toronto Star. I followed her Stargazing posts (in all of their various media forms) for years. She was a nerd of the first order, she loved reading EVERYTHING, she was blunt and hilariously honest, and she had great taste in shoes. I used to send her weird media links that I found amusing and sometimes she thought I was right and reposted the gems in her blog. We shared many obsessions in common but I like to think that we'd probably have agreed to disagree about Bjork's cultural value. In my life prior to spending 8 hours a day in front of a computer, I used to sell shoes to her.
We weren't friends. She probably wouldn't have recognized me if we ran into each other, but I enjoyed her take on the world, I adored her sense of humour, and she led me to more than one satisfying fan obsession. In the words of her friend, Jesse Wente: I miss her already. We could all use a little more Malene in our lives, but I guess those of us who enjoyed her will just have to be content with the amount we got.