It's Saturday Morning Here. How Are You?

Apr 25, 2015 13:10

Warning: Random post is terribly random.

Woke up with a hockey hangover (Pittsburgh is out - Yay! Ottawa extended the series to a sixth game - Yay! Tonight both Calgary and Detroit could clinch their series - Yay!). So far the playoffs have been great and have brought back the hockey excitement that the Leafs attempted to bludgeon to death with their high school drama 2015 season >:/

Finally saw the last episode of season 1 of Daredevil and it's awesomeness blots out the light of the sun. Now both MB and I are experiencing the painful Netflix withdrawal...

Watched a Q&A session with Matthew Gray Gubler that was ostensibly about his latest directorial effort (but it turns out it wasn't). I discovered the following: fans ask stupid questions - there oughta be a law preventing that, and, he thinks of his fans as benevolent psychopaths. I'm not sure how I feel about that statement... He also claims to be blissfully unaware of how strange his hair constantly is. Now I feel the need to tie a dozen balloons to strands of his hair and force him to walk through a windy city for a day... the fluttering would be a good reminder...

MB asked what was new on the internet this morning and I told him that I had received some friend requests from strangers. He said "They must like the cut of your jib", which led to a semantic discussion of the term, and then I countered with "I don't have a jib!". He said: "It's a digital jib! It's a real thing!". If people only knew how much of the dialog I write is actually just weird bits of conversation I have with my husband...

I got MB an iPod Touch for his birthday and it has a recording app on it. He now records our conversations and plays back tiny parts of them randomly and completely out of context. I feel as if I've been transferred to a slightly altered version of reality while I blinked, or something.

And, basically, all of this happened before my first cup of coffee...........

wait...what?, stories from the far side, sports, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, crazy sh*t my husband says, omgwtf, synap, weirdness, fabulousity, fandom, your shit is crazy, hair, weekend

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