Gift Fics, 2014 edition

Nov 18, 2014 17:10

So... gang, here's the deal with Gift Fics this year.

Last year I UTTERLY FAILED to deliver on fics despite having a banner year, writing-wise. That was all on me. I thought about not doing any this year because of my diminished output/failure to launch in 2013/rl things, but then decided that I'd put the offer out there and any of you brave enough to respond - so be it! I like writing things for others, and gift ficcing does get me into the holiday spirit ;)

Here are the details:

1. Submit a fandom, pairing (or specify gen, if you prefer), and a BRIEF prompt in the comments.
If you have rating preferences (i.e. you don't want too much violence or sexytimes or random ferrets) please include that. There are very few things that I won't write, but for the sake of transparency, these are my no-goes: mpreg, non-con, underage stuff. I reserve the right to politely back away from a subject that I don't feel I can handle (I'll let you know if you've stumped me and you can come up with something else if you want).

My fandoms are: Criminal Minds, Supernatural, Person of Interest, V for Vendetta, The X-Files, Forever, Hannibal, Almost Human, Penny Dreadful, BBC's Sherlock, Luther, The Fall (there are more, but I'm lazy - just ask me, okay?)

2. I will create a fanwork from your prompt and post it HERE sometime BEFORE JANUARY 31st, 2015.
I'm giving myself more time this year because, well... history proves that I need it. Also, when I say "fanwork" - if your prompt strikes me as visual, you might get art instead of a story. The work might be a drabble, or it might be an epic, Homer-esque ode to the absurdity of Sherlock's neck - I guarantee nothing ;)

3. If you're still reading this post, bless your beautiful self ;)
You can offer as many prompts as you want, but I'll only choose one per person. I have a day job, after all.

Okay, so that's it. To those about to prompt, I salute you!

gift fic, bad idea?, holiday, writing, write something you miserable fuck, friends, fandom

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