
Nov 10, 2014 11:33

ACK! MONDAY! *shakes fist at Universe*

The internet went out at work last Friday causing colossal professional panic of the greatest magnitude. Honestly, if you ever want evidence of First World tunnel vision, just watch how uncouth everyone gets when the emails that they've been avoiding all week suddenly won't go through the web tubes *eyeroll*. I just keep reminding myself of those ads that ask for donations so that international agencies can provide CLEAN DRINKING WATER to communities of people without shoes. The 'sky is falling' urgency of a slide show file really falls short when you make that comparison...

Anyway, I'm back at work - internet is still sluggish and the clients are cranky. BUT the Leafs won back-to-back games this weekend which was unexpectedly lovely ;)

I had a fairly scary creative weekend (meaning that I spent a lot of time staring at blank Word docs and weeping quietly). But after MB told me to "get on with it", I managed to crank out 3000+ words on a third part of a fic that probably didn't need to be written in the first place *headdesk*. And it's pointless... just a lot of sitting around and conversating... *second headdesk* whhhhhhyyyyyy?

So, to sum up, I am very much like the hound dog above this morning. Except that there's no greasy breakfast of win or bottomless coffee to be had...

sports, pictures, work, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, the blues, blurgleweegsnazzer, write something you miserable fuck, this is why we can't have nice things, dogs, procrastination

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