This is gonna be a bitch to work into casual conversations...

Nov 06, 2014 13:21

I have a new favorite, improbable word: Gondwanatheria

This came about after reading a news article describing the recent discovery of a "huge" mammal skull fossil in Madagascar (SPOILER ALERT: the term "huge" is a bit flexible here). Given the age and location of the skull fossil, this previously unknown mammal qualifies as a gondwanatherian. Which is cool to say. Go ahead, try it for yourself.

And it also gives me a chance to post this amusing faux tourism poster for Pangaea:

I don't know what tickles me more: a long-dead gondwanatherian, or a newly-revived fanged deer. Both are pretty great if you ask me.

Yes, strange things amuse me. Move on.

wait...what?, profound or creepy?, stories from the far side, linkity-link-link, pictures, art, things that make you go hmmm, science, news

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